
20161229 cross ones finger.jpg

#27 DayLearn English Idiom

Cross one's finger
祝福 [交叉的手指]

def. To wish for luck.
意思: 祝愿運氣

e.g. - I'll find out tomorrow if I passed the test or not.
- Well, I'll cross my fingers for you.

例子: - 我明天就會知道我考試有沒有通過.
- 那麼, 我會為你祈禱祝福.



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20161227 LOL.jpg

#26 DayLearn English Idiom

Laughing Out Loud (LOL)
哈哈大笑 [大聲笑]

def. Used as a response to something funny.
意思: 用作對某事有笑的反應。

e.g. - Did you see this funny video?
- Yes, LOL.

例子: - 你有沒有看這個好笑的影片?
- 看過, 哈哈大笑.



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20161221 voting for christmas.jpg

#25 DayLearn English Idiom


Like turkeys voting for Christmas

忍受 [像火雞支持過聖誕節一樣]

def. Choose to accept a situation which will have very bad results.

意思: 選擇接受一個有不好的結果的狀況.


e.g. He accepted to work during the Christmas eve, he is like a turkey voting for Christmas...

例子: 他選擇忍受在平安夜上班...他應該會後悔.


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20161219 wind blow.jpg

#24 DayLearn English Idiom

Know which way the wind blows
見微知著 [知道風吹哪裡]

def. To know how things will turn out.
意思: 知道會發生甚麼事情

e.g. When I saw his face after the exam I knew which way the wind would blow.
例子: 當我看到他考完試的臉色我就見微知著.



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20161215 pig out.jpg

#23 DayLearn English Idiom
To pig out
大吃大喝 [做出豬]
def. To eat and drink a lot of something.
意思: 吃和喝很多東西.
e.g. Don't pig out junk food everyday, it's not good for your health.
例子: 不要每天大吃垃圾食物, 這對你的身體不好.
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DayLearn English Presents :

The 2016 Christmas Drama Show !!!

Welcome everybody to come have an afternoon of fun with us on December 25th.

Here is the program of the party, please take a look, share it with your friends or family members, let's have fun together !
請您參考我們的海報, 也可以幫我們跟你的朋友和家人分享, 一起來玩!\


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20161213 see eye to eye.jpg

#22 DayLearn English Idiom

See eye to eye

一致的看法 [看眼對眼]

def. To be in full agreement.

意思: 完全同意.

e.g. Jack didn't see eye to eye with me on that project.

例子: Jack對那個項目跟我有不同的想法.



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20161122 lips are sealed.jpg

#21 DayLearn English Idiom

Lips are sealed
守口如瓶 [嘴唇被密封]

def. Promise to keep a secret.

e.g. Don't worry, I won't tell him your secret. My lips are sealed.
別擔心, 我不會告訴他你的秘密, 我的嘴唇是密封的.


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20161118 play it by ear.jpg

#20 DayLearn English Idiom

Play it by ear
見機行事 [用耳朵玩音樂]

def. To do something without any plan.
意思: 做一些沒有計劃的東西

e.g. He went to Mexico and played it by ear.
例子: 他去了墨西哥之前都沒有計畫行程.



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20161110 bookworm.jpg

#19 DayLearn English Idiom

To be a bookworm
書呆子 [成為書蟲]

def. Someone who reads a lot.
意思: 很喜歡讀書的人. 花很多時間在圖書館的人.

e.g. Whenever Jack has time or wherever he is, he can read book, he's a real bookworm.
例子: 每當傑克有時間或無論他在哪裡, 他都可以讀書, 他是一個真正的書呆子..


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