
20161017 apple of one%5Cs eye.jpg

#11 DayLearn English Idiom


Apple of one's eye
至愛, 至寶 [眼裡的蘋果]


def. A person that is adored by someone.
意思: 一個被某人喜愛的人


e.g. That baby is the apple of her father's eye.
例子: 那個寶貝是她爸爸的至愛



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#10 Day Learn English Idiom


To go bananas
失控 [變成香蕉]


def. To become crazy about something.
意思: 因為某個事情失控.


e.g. When I saw his facial expression, I knew he was going to go bananas.
例子: 看到他這種表情, 我就知道他會失控.


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#9 DayLearn English Idiom


The lights are on but nobody's home
無腦 [燈亮著但沒人在家]


def. Used to describe a stupid person.
意思: 用在不聰明的人.


e.g. Don't try to talk to him, the light's are on but nobody's home, he won't understand what you say...
例子: 不用試著跟他說話, 他無腦, 他不會聽懂你在說甚麼.


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#8 DayLearn English Idiom
All thumbs
笨手笨腳 [全大拇指]
def. Very clumsy with one’s hands.
意思: 用手時非常笨拙.
e.g. He tried to fix bicycle , but he was all thumbs.
例子: 他試著修自行車, 可是他笨手笨腳.
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#7 DayLearn English Idiom

Use your loaf

動動腦子 [用你的麵包]

def. Used to tell someone in a slightly angry way to think more carefully about what they are doing.

意思: 用於表示對某人思考問題欠認真而稍為惱火時.

e.g. Come on everyone use your loaf so we can solve this problem.

例子: 拜託大家動動腦子, 我們才可以解決這個問題.

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DayLearn PPAP !


Surely one of the cutest version of the PPAP.


The whole world is crazy about this song. What about you ? Do you like it or do you hate it ?




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#6 When pigs fly

#6 DayLearn English Idiom


When pigs fly

不可能 [當豬能飛的時候]


def. Something that we think is impossible or very unlikely.

意思: 不可能或不太可能發生的事情.


e.g. A - I might wake up early tomorrow to clean my room.

B - Yes, you’ll do that when pigs fly.

例子: A - 我明天應該早一點起來打掃我的房間.

B - 這是不可能的事情.


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#5 Head in the clouds

#5 DayLearn English Idiom


Head in the clouds

做白日夢 [頭在雲裡]


def. To be living in a fantasy world.

意思: 生活在一個幻想的世界.


e.g. Paul has his head in the clouds if he thinks he is going to become an Engineer, because he is terrible at math.

例子: Paul的確在做白日夢因為他的數學不好但他卻想要當工程師.


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#4 A storm in a tea cup

#4 DayLearn English Idiom


A storm in a teacup
小題大做 [茶杯裡的風暴]


def. A situation where people get very angry or worried about something that is not important.
意思: 關於不重要的事情卻讓人很生氣或很擔心.


e.g. What is it all about? 
Nothing serious, just a storm in a teacup .

例子: 究竟是什麼事呢? 
沒有什麼, 小題大做.


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DayLearn GO !


The students are so concentrated, they didn't notice that Pikachu was in the classroom.
學生們很認真看書, 都沒有發現皮卡丘在教室裡.


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