
#57 20170914 Goof Around.jpg

#57 DayLearn English Idiom



Goof around
浪費時間 [混日子]

def. To waste time, to procrastinate.
意思: 拖延, 浪費很多時間.

e.g. She spent all of last month goofing around, and now she’s worrying the day before the final exams!
例子: 她上個月每天混日子,現在她在考試前一天很擔心!




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#56 DayLearn English Idiom



Have nose in a book
在看書 [鼻子在書本裡]

def. To be reading a book.
意思: 正在看一本書.

e.g. When I was student, I always had my nose in a book.
例子: 我當學生的時候, 我一直都在看書.




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#55 2017 08 29 learn the ropes.jpg

#55 DayLearn English Idiom



Learn the ropes
學習 [學習繩索]

def. To learn how to do something
意思: 學習怎麼做某個事情.

e.g. It took me a few years to learn the ropes, but now my English is good enough to do business with foreigner.
例子: 我花了幾年來學, 但現在我的英文好到能夠跟外國人做生意.




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2017 08 24 rack ones brains.jpg

#54 DayLearn English Idiom



Rack one's brains
絞盡腦汁 [架起大腦]

def. Try to think of something

e.g. I racked my brains trying to remember the name of that movie, but I still can't remember what it is.
例子: 我絞盡腦汁想要記起那部電影的名字, 但我仍然想不起來.





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Playing western chess or chinese chess gives kids some benefits:

- Better Brain Function
- Improved Memory
- Improved Cognitive Abilities
- Strategic Thinking

Those benefits are directly related to the practice of chess, both in real-life and virtual environments, which means that chess is the answer to the question – ‘Is there a game where I can have fun AND get benefits from?’









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#53 20170809 a piece of cake.jpg

#53 DayLearn English Idiom



A piece of cake
輕而易舉的事 [一塊蛋糕]

def. Something easy to do.

e.g. Today's math exam was a piece of cake!
例子: 今天的數學考試簡單極了!




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After practicing how to pass and shot the ball, the kids had a small competition. 3 players by teams and the firsrt who score 5 goals win.
And the winners are King, Ariel and Mark ! 🏆🎖🎖🏆

Congratulation ! 🎖🎖🎖🎗🎗











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🎤🎤 🎶🎶 My heart goes sha la la la...👨‍🎤👩‍🎤🎵🎼🎤🎤

During the summer camp, our kids have to study a song, memorize the lyrics, learn the meaning of the lyrics, how to pronounce the lyrics, and finally learn how to sing the song.







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20170726 play with fire.jpg

#52 DayLearn English Idiom



Play with fire
玩火自焚 [跟火玩]

def. To do something that is dangerous.
意思: 做一些危險的事情。

e.g. You are playing with fire if you jump from that cliff, it is very high.
例子: 如果你從那個懸崖上跳起來, 你就玩火自焚, 真的很高.




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And the winner is... Lillian 🏆🎖️ She won the final against Mark🥈Congratulation to both of them. 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🏓🏓

Why we give our Summer Camp's students the chance to have sport class everyday? 
We believe that sports are important primarily because they provide children a social outlet and improve physical skills and health. Sports provide physical and psychological benefits to the kids and people of all ages.










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