
20170511 upside down.jpg

#41 DayLearn English Idiom


Upside down
翻遍 [上下顛倒]

def. Turned over with top on the bottom.
意思: 翻過來,頂部在底部.

e.g. I've turned the house upside down, but I still couldn't find my cellphone.
例子: 我把整間房子都翻遍了, 但我還是找不到我的手機.




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#40 DayLearn English Idiom


What's up?
有啥新鮮事 [上面有甚麼]

def. To ask someone what is happening.
意思: 問某人最近發生什麼事.

e.g. Hi Ben, long time no see! What's up?
例子: 嗨 Ben, 好久不見! 最近有啥新鮮事?




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#39 DayLearn English Idiom


You are what you eat

def. One is made up of what one eats.
意思: 某人吃什麼就像甚麼.

e.g. Sandy: I can't wear the jeans I bought 6 months ago..
Rick: You eat too much junk food... After all, you are what you eat.
例子: Sandy: 我穿不下我6個月前買的牛仔褲...
Rick: 妳吃太多垃圾食物了... 畢竟人如其食.




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#38 DayLearn English Idiom


Tell a white lie
說一個小謊 [白色的謊言]

def. To tell a smal lie that doesn't hurt anyone.
意思: 告訴一個不會傷害任何人的小謊言。

e.g. Jessy asked me about her new dress...I told her a white lie, I didn't want to hurt her feelings.
例子: Jessy問我關於她新衣服的感覺, 我就跟她說一個小謊, 因為不想傷害她的心.




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🏆🎖️🏅Congratulations to the Winners of the "2016 DayLearn Vocabulary and Speech Contest ! 🏆🎖️🏅

The winners are 
🏆 Kayley (Speech contest 演講競賽)
🏆 Sunny (Vocabulary contest A group 英文單字競賽A組)
🏆 Mark (Vocabulary contest B group 英文單字競賽B組)
🏆 Kiki (Vocabulary contest C group 英文單字競賽C組)

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#37 DayLearn English Idiom


Under the gun
在逼迫壓力下 [在槍下]

def. Under a great deal of pressure.
意思: 在很大的壓力下.

e.g. I am under the gun, I haven't start the report that is due for tomorrow's class...
例子: 我在很大的壓力之下, 我還沒開始寫明天要交的報告...




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#36 DayLearn English Idiom


Twist somebody's arm
強迫某人做某事 [扭轉某人的手臂]

def. To persuade someone to do something
意思: 影響或說服別人做事情.

e.g. I wanted to play basketball with my friends but my girlfriend twisted my arm to go window-shopping with her.
例子: 我本來想跟朋友打籃球, 可是我的女友卻強迫我陪她逛街




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#35 DayLearn English Idiom


Time is money
時間是珍貴的 [時間就是金錢]

def. To state that one's time is valuable
意思: 每個人的時間是寶貴的意思.

e.g. Stop wasting your time with those video games. After all, time is money. You should find a job and start to work.
例子: 不要在電動遊戲上面再浪費時間. 畢竟, 時間是金錢. 你該找新的工作開始上班.




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#34 DayLearn English Idiom


Bite one's tongue
欲言又止 [咬自己的舌頭]

def. To struggle not to say something when one really want to speak.
意思: 當很想說出話卻不能說.

e.g. Betty had to bite her tongue when Johnny asked if his new shirt were nice.
例子: Johnny問Betty是否他的新衣服好不好看時, Betty欲言又止.




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#33 DayLearn English Idiom


Follow in somebody's footsteps.
模仿某人 [跟隨某人的步驟]

def. Follow someone's example.
意思: 跟隨某人的例子.

e.g. After college, Paul decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become an accountant.
例子: 大學畢業後, Paul決定跟隨他父親的腳步當會計師.




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